Was John Stuart Mill an authentic democratic philosopher?


  • Bárbara Baldi Universidad de Córdoba


Democracy and representative government are two interwoven and interconnected concepts and one of the most significant principle of representative democracy is the principle of majority. This study is an approach to the John Stuart Mill’s democracy theory about the representative government in connection with the principle of majority and under his elitist perspective. Mill considered representative government as the most effective politic model, however he also highlighted the critical points y the negative posible drifts of democracy, especially the risk of a dictatorship of the majority and the resulting political isolation of the minorities. The English philosopher proposed an ideal of democracy based on the representative mandate thet implies the independence of the representantive, although it would be a conditioning and limited indipendence. On the other hand, he also highlighted the importance for every citizen to be educated to the public consciuosness and influenced by the most knowledgeable people.


democracy, politic representation, majority, elitism, public interest