In the constitution of a philosophy of life and illness, the epistemological and axiological work of its concepts and fundamental problems


  • Alejandro Bilbao Z. Universidad de Los Lagos; Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


The article establishes a historical, axiological and epistemological analysis of the conditions for the advent of a medical philosophy devoted to the study of disease. The examination of these conditions takes into account classical and contemporary studies of the philosophy of medicine, analyzing their different perspectives and statements. Reflection on the assumptions and concepts associated with such a philosophy locates illness in its various dimensions: in the realm of the biological event (disease), of the social order (sickness), and of the lived experience (illness). Three points of deliberation present the nodular body of these analyses: a) The disciplinary and conceptual constitution of illness as a total fact: epistemological variants of medicine and ancient philosophy; b) Psychopathology in the constitution of a philosophy of illness, the epistemological analysis of two concepts: normal-pathological; c) G. Canguilhem’s philosophy of life, its anthropological and normative course in the definition of illness.


Philosophy of medicine, Anthropology of disease, Health, Disease, Sickness, Illness

Author Biography

Alejandro Bilbao Z., Universidad de Los Lagos; Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Departamento de Humanidades y Arte Universidad de Los Lagos Investigador asociado CIIR-ANID, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


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