Reciprocity in Adam Smith: cordiality as a mechanism for economic inclusion



The economic inclusion of the vulnerable and/or excluded from the market constitutes an element of unsustainability both for the market and for states, societies and economic agents. In his works, Adam Smith addressed this problem by proposing a double reciprocal system of economic behavior: the exchange of equivalents, based on self-interest and the contract between the parties, and inclusive reciprocity, based on the benevolence and active participation of the parties. involved and/or affected. While the former was shown to be the most suitable for establishing relationships between economic agents within the market, the latter offered the possibility of achieving effective inclusion of both the vulnerable and the excluded. The objective of this work will be to propose an inclusive reciprocity of Adam Smith, developed through the cordial recognition of Adela Cortina, as a mechanism of effective economic inclusion of vulnerable economic agents and non-economic agents.


benevolence, underground economy, ethics, inclusive reciprocity, cordial recognition

Author Biography

Patrici Calvo, Universitat Jaume I

Universitat Jaume I


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