Tragedy and greek democracy: mis-fortune of the “stasis”


  • Juan Pablo Arancibia Carrizo Universidad de Santiago de Chile


In the history of philosophy, references to tragedy and tragic motives constitute a field of thought. In modern philosophy, after the studies of Goethe, Schlegel, Schiller, Hegel, Hölderlin, Schopenhauer or Nietzsche, a “tragic philosophy” (Rosset 2010) and a “tragic sense” (De Unamuno 1984; Gentili; Garelli 2015) were established as an explanatory principle of the “tragic modern political experience” (Williams 2014; Eagleton 2011). In the register of a philosophy of “the tragic”, the present text proposes a genealogical study of the relationship between tragedy and Greek democracy, through the examination of the category of “stasis”.


Tragedy, Democracy, Stasis, Krátos, Dêmos, Pólemos