Chrysippus of Soli and the Indemonstrables


  • Alejandro Ramírez Figueroa Universidad de Chile


Acording to standard approaches (Sextus, Diogenes, Galeno, B.Mates, Long y Sedley, Bochenski, Lukasiewicz), the Stoic logic is actually a deduction system, a propositional system of logic in today perspective. The work of Chrysippus about the five indemonstrable arguments is the principal basis of this system. In this paper I examine the nature of indemonstrable arguments, the Antipater`s theorem and the basic schemas of inference, or zemas. On the other hand, in particular I hold that the indemonstrable arguments have another important role for philosophy and history of logic; this role is the justification of deduction, a central problem at present. I analize, first, the indemonstrable and conditional justification of deduction and second, the cognitive justification of logic implied in stoic system.


Chrysippus of Solos, logic, non-demonstrable, justification, validity