Towards a materialistic philosophy: the idea of Naturphilosophie in the work of Theodor W. Adorno


  • Chaxiraxi Escuela Cruz Universidad de La Laguna


This paper investigates the evolution of Adorno's concept of "natural history" (Naturgeschichte) for the formation of his own materialistic philosophy. Adorno’s lecture polemicized against the conception of history dominant in contemporary philosophical schools as Heidegger's new ontology, and introduces an "ontological transformation of the philosophy of history". On the other hands, he develops the negative dialectical idea of natural history by way of reference to Lukács idea of second nature in The Theory of the Novel and Benjamins study of the baroque Trauerspiel, which had initiated the turn to a different, anti-idealistic form of history.


natural history, ontology, materialismus, second nature, allegory