Ethics in action: anthropology and humanism in the work of George Steiner


  • Rossana Cassigolli Salamon Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


The purpose of this essay is to elucidate the philosophical tools developed in George Steiner's marvelous body of work. In his writings, he carries on a lucid observation and description of human spirit's linguistic creation and formulation. His observations do not deviate from the way of a strict ethics inherited from ilustrated spiritual Judaism. His legacy about thought on language and his role as a contemporary culture's critic (a paradigmatic legacy, of heuristic value) leads us to a reflection on our continent and history. As an anthropological work, it aims at a practical comprehension of gregariousness and to a psychic and physiological elucidation of the human phenomena.


philosophy of history, homo sapiens, a theory of culture, metamorphosis, “a policy of truth”, jews, diaspora, exile, humanism, hermeneutics, gramar, philology