

Revista de Arquitectura aceita para inclusão na coleção SciELO Chile


Convocatória Revista de Arquitectura N.º 47

Formas de observar a sustentabilidade arquitetônica + TEMÁTICA LIVRE

Activity shapes: towards a spatiotemporal analysis in architecture


  • Paula Gómez Georgia Institute of Technology Hinman Research Building. College of Architecture
  • Ellen Yi-Luen Do Georgia Institute of Technology Health Systems Institute. School of Industrial Design & School of Interactive Computing College of Architecture & College of Computing
  • Mario Romero


Computational spatial analyses play an important role in architectural design processes, providing feedback about spatial configurations that may inform design decisions. Current spatial analyses convey geometrical aspects of space, but aspects such as space use are not encompassed within the analyses, although they are fundamental for architectural programming. Through this study, we initiate the discussion of including human activity as an input that will change the focus of current computational spatial analyses toward a detailed understanding of activity patterns in space and time. We envision that the emergent insights will serve as guidelines for future evaluation of design intents motivated by spatial occupancy, since we –designers– mentally constructing a model of the situation and activities on it (Eastman, 2001).


Activity shapes, Human Behavior, Spatial

Biografia do Autor

Paula Gómez, Georgia Institute of Technology Hinman Research Building. College of Architecture

Ellen Yi-Luen Do, Georgia Institute of Technology Health Systems Institute. School of Industrial Design & School of Interactive Computing College of Architecture & College of Computing

Mario Romero